INVEST Research Flagship Centre aims at providing a new model for the welfare states that is more equal, better targeted to problem groups, more anticipatory as well as economically and socially sustainable. Based on cutting-edge research on the conditions and mechanisms involved at different periods of development, INVEST will evaluate and develop various universal and targeted interventions to improve the efficiency of the current welfare state institutions at critical points of the early life course.

KiVa is now available to Colombian schools
The KiVa anti-bullying program has been launched in Colombia. Ciprés Mercadeo y Consultoría, a company with long-standing experience working with...

INVEST visitor: Trisha Chanda
In the “INVEST visitors” series, we present visiting professors and fellows who have arrived at the flagship INVEST. This time...

Invest visitor: Anna Naszodi
In the “INVEST visitors” series, we present visiting professors and fellows who have arrived at the flagship INVEST. This time...

Tiedosta toimeen webinaari: Neurokirjo nuorella – mitä ammattilaisten olisi hyvä huomioida?
25.03.2025 - 25.03.2025
Aika: Ti 25.3. klo 13.00–13.40 Paikka: Zoom, linkki lähetetään osoitteessa Tutkitun tiedon webinaareja ammattilaisille | VSLJ ry ilmoittautuneille Tiedosta toimeen...

New Research Themes, Coffee & Conversations: Demographic changes and family dynamics – Marika Jalovaara
01.04.2025 - 01.04.2025
Time: Tuesday 1, April at 13.00-14.00 Place: INVEST Sociology Coffee Room Subject: Demographic changes and family dynamics – Prof. Marika...

Prof. Daniel Lakens: Concerns about Replicability, Theorizing, Applicability, Generalizability, and Methodology across Two Crises in Psychology
01.04.2025 - 01.04.2025
Time: Tuesday April 1 at 12:00-13:00 Place: Edu2, Luentosali Edu2 and online: The Open Science Community of Turku hosts Prof....