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Join the INVEST ecosystem
INVEST is a research and social innovation ecosystem and a collaboration platform that brings together researchers, public organisations, third sector...
INVEST Fellowship Programme
INVEST Fellowship Programme Spring Call is closed. What is an INVEST fellowship? INVEST fellowships are 1-3 (or up to 6)...
INVEST Visiting Professors
Visiting Professor is a professor from another university who has been invited to collaborate and conduct research at the INVEST...
Apply for Funding from the Research Council of Finland to the INVEST Research Flagship Centre
Welcome to the INVEST Research Flagship Centre as an applicant for the Research Council of Finland’s funding! INVEST – Inequalities,...
Join the INVEST ecosystem INVEST is a research and social innovation ecosystem and a collaboration platform that brings together researchers,...
“We are looking for top talent and good ideas” – INVEST continues to grow with new researcher recruitment
The INVEST flagship research centre continues to grow. During the spring, early summer and autumn several job positions have opened...