INVEST Psychology
Christina Salmivalli
Deputy Head of Flagship
Profesor of Psychology
University of Turku
Co PIs and other INVEST researchers are listed here
Psychology research group, spring 2020
Research Projects
ERC Advanced Grant project CHALLENGE 2020-2025
PI: Christina Salmivalli
Bullying in schools is widespread, with adverse effects on youth and high costs for societies. Research on bullying prevention has so far focused on average effects of anti-bullying programs and mainly concerned universal, preventive measures. While important, this has overshadowed attempts to uncover how exactly school personnel intervene in particular bullying cases and when and why that fails. CHALLENGE will open up new research horizons by shifting the focus from average program effects to the characteristics and conditions of youth who remain victimized or continue bullying despite targeted interventions.
KiVa® antibullying program
KiVa is a research-based antibullying program that has been developed in the University of Turku, Finland, with funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The effectiveness of KiVa has been shown in a large randomized controlled trial. In Finland, KiVa is a sought-after program: most of all comprehensive schools in the country are registered KiVa schools implementing the program.
>> Read more (only in Finnish)