INVEST Research Flagship Centre operates under the Faculties of Medicine and Social Sciences at the University of Turku (UTU) and at the Welfare State Research and Reform unit at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).
The centre is directed by the Flagship director Jani Erola, UTU, the Flagship vice-director Christina Salmivalli, UTU, professor André Sourander, UTU, and research professor Pasi Moisio, THL. The Flagship director has overall responsibility for the INVEST operations.
Research is based on unique data and organized around six research themes. Societal interaction and impact of the centre are supported by impact structures and educational programmes. Get to know to INVEST researchers and projects!
The operations of the INVEST Research Flagship Centre are funded by the Research Council of Finland Flagship Programme (17.3 M€ in 2019-2026), the host institutions and various other external research funders such as European Research Council (ERC) and U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH).
Management Team
INVEST has a Management Team, which consists of the Principal Investigators (PI) and the Administrative Team. The Management Team enhances the operations of the Centre as a whole in accordance with INVEST’s objectives and strategy.
The Administrative Team includes research, impact and data management professionals and is jointly responsible with the director for the development of research and impact functions and support.
Steering Group
INVEST has a Steering Group nominated by the vice rector of the University of Turku for a fixed term until 31.12.2026. Steering group supports and guides the management in INVEST’s goals and objectives.
The members of the Steering Group are:
Rector/President Marjo Kaartinen
University of Turku
Vice Rector Piia Seppänen
University of Turku
Director of Department Piia Aarnisalo
Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare
Permanent Secretary Veli-Mikko Niemi
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Director Kirsi Varhila
Satakunta Healthcare and Social Welfare Area
Director General Eeva-Riitta Pirhonen
Ministry of Education and Culture
Member of the Board Matti Rihko
Turku Science Park
Scientific Advisory Board
INVEST has a Scientific Advisory Board nominated by the rector of the University of Turku for a fixed term until 31.12.2022. The Scientific Advisory Board supports the directors and the PIs in issues related to scientific activities. The Board also evaluates INVEST’s activities, makes initiatives and provides statements on INVEST’s scientific direction.
The members of the SAB are:
Professor Fabrizio Bernardi
European University Institute
Professor Anette Fasang
Humboldt-University Berlin
Professor Jaana Juvonen
University of California
Assistant Professor Eva Serlachius
Karolinska Institutet