Invest Seminar Series on Intergenerational Inequalities

Invest Seminar Series on Intergenerational Inequalities is part of the “Intergenerational and Within-Family Influences” theme led by Jani Erola, director of the INVEST Research Flagship Centre.

These seminars aim to foster lively and kind discussions on innovative research, with a focus on the intergenerational transmission of inequality. Please note that the seminars will be held in-person only. These seminars are open to all. We look forward to seeing you there, welcome!

Autumn 2024

Friday, October 25th, 2.00–3.30pm (Pub 5): Markus Jäntti, Stockholm University: Intergenerational income mobility: long-run trends, inequality, and assortative mating in Sweden (Markus Jäntti & Jesper Roine)

Friday, November 8th, 2.00–3.30pm (Pub 4): Jani Erola, Simon Chapman and Sanni Kotimäki: Making siblings the same or unique? Family influences among twins, siblings and half-siblings over time

Tuesday, December 10th, 2.00–3.30pm (Pub 4): Toni Juuti, Labour Institute for Economic Research: Head Start for Entrepreneurship: The Role of Socio-Economic Background (Toni Juuti & Ross Levine)