INVESThub Brown Bag Talk

Welcome to the INVESThub Brown Bag Session. Johanna K. Kaakinen, David Moreno & Jukka Hyönä will be presenting “Epistemic emotions…

INVEST Scientific Seminar IX

Scientific Seminar IX brings together researchers from the INVEST Research Flagship Centre to discuss their research topics and ongoing projects.

Brown Bag Session

In this session, Jere Jokinen (Doctoral Researcher, Economics, University of Turku) will present his research with a title: Previous (irrelevant)…

Sociogenomics workshop 2023

A workshop on social science genomics will be organized by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, in Helsinki, 4-7 September 2023. Please…

INVESThub Brown Bag Session

Presenter: Aki Koivula (Senior Researcher, INVEST Research Flagship Centre) Title of the presentation: An Experimental Study of the Impact of News Framing on…