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INVESThub Brown Bag Talk

08.11.2023 11:00 - 12:30

Edu 3, Educarium

Welcome to the INVESThub Brown Bag Session.

Johanna K. Kaakinen, David Moreno & Jukka Hyönä will be presenting “Epistemic emotions when reading in Twitter: Evidence from mouse-tracking and eye movements”.

In two experiments, participants read statements on six topics (immigration, vaccinations, hunting, vegan diet, human rights, nuclear energy) presented as Twitter discussions containing four supporting (pro) and four opposing (contra) statements on a topic. The pro and contra statements were presented either in a blocked or interleaved format. In Experiment 1, participants (N=121) read the discussions in an online experiment platform using a mouse-tracking paradigm. In Experiment 2, readers’ (N=63) eye movements were recorded in a laboratory setting. In both experiments, participants reported their personal stance toward the topics, rated epistemic emotions after each discussion, and completed a recognition memory task in the end of the experiment. The results show that the prior stance toward a topic and presentation format (blocked or interleaved) of statements influences reading patterns, experienced epistemic emotions, and memory for the presented information. The findings shed light on the role of epistemic emotions in online reading behavior.

Sandwiches and coffee will be served!