Tutkijoita sohvalla.

OSCT Open Science Community Turku

Who are we?

The Open Science Community of Turku provides a place for both newcomers and experienced peers to interact and to inspire each other to adopt Open Science practices in their workflows.


Open Science offers a large set of practices that researchers can use to increase the transparency, reproducibility, and openness of their research. The most common practices include pre-registration, openly sharing publications, syntaxes and data, and encouraging replication. Given that these practices make research output more accessible, efficient, and impactful, it is of vital importance that researchers integrate these practices into their work and build their repertoire of open science skills over time. The Open Science Community of Turku was found in October 2022 by Lydia Laninga-Wijnen and Erika Lilja, because their vision is that science can and should be more transparent, reliable, and inclusive. Open Science provides the tools to put this into practice, and an open science community helps us to learn about these tools and to grow in applying them.


Our Mission is to make Open Science the norm in research. We aim to promote knowledge exchange regarding Open Science among colleagues. Also, the community provides a place for both newcomers and experienced peers to interact and to inspire each other to adopt Open Science practices in their workflows, as well as to provide input on Open Science policies, infrastructure, and support services. Lastly, the community provides possibilities for opening up collaborations between academics and societal stakeholders to meet, inspire, and co-create.

Community Coordinator

Lydia Laninga-Wijnen, Senior Research Fellow
Expertise: Pre-registration, registered reports, publishing open access, publishing data-packages for papers including syntaxes, storing data in a FAIR way

Contact us: investosci@utu.fi

INVEST Open Science Ambassadors

Sarah Malamut, Senior Researcher
Expertise: Pre-registration, publishing data packages (i.e., data and analytic code), open access publishing, passion for high-quality replicable research

Oskari Lahtinen, Senior Researcher                                                                                                            Expertise: new statistics (i.e., confidence intervals, effect sizes and meta-analysis, instead of p-values and null hypothesis significance testing), pre-registration, open access publishing

OSCT members

Aino Tiihonen
Alena Artamonova
Ali Moazami
Christina Salmivalli
Claire Garandeau
Dagmar Strohmeier
Daniel Graf
Daniela Chávez
Daria Mesquite Ramalho
Daria Pritup
Eerika Johander
Eeva-Liisa Eskelinen
Elina Kilpi-Jakonen
Erika Lilja
Essi Ahlroth
Essi-Lotta Tenhunen
Henrik Dobewall
Hermann Aubie
Inari Harjuniemi
Inga Saikkonen
Irina Salmi
Jake McMullen
Jessica Nisén
Jessica Trach
Johanna Kaakinen
Jonna Suominen
Juuso Repo
Katariina Kulha
Laura Niemi
Leo Lahti
Liili Abuladze
Lise Eriksson
Lydia Laninga-Wijnen
Maija Jäske
Mari Riipinen
Mariepier Larose
Marika Jalovaara
Markus Laaninen
Mia Hakovirta
Michelle Larva
Mikko Leino
Nils Sandman
Oskari Lahtinen
Outi Sarpila
Pauliina Juntunen
Saara Nolvi
Sanna Herkama
Sarah Malamut
Satu Hakanurmi
Satu koivuhovi
Subina Upadhyaya
Takuya Yanagida
Teija Koskela
Tenzind Dolmans
Tiina Turunen
Tuomo Haikio
Tuomo Haikio
Yuko Mori

and growing…

Join the INVEST Open Science Community

We warmly welcome new members to join our community.

The community uses Slack as a discussion platform. All members will be added to the Slack platform to #investoscu channel.

Register as a member via the registration form.

Become an Open Science Ambassador

The INVEST Open Science Ambassadors are the way to take Open Science forward, providing institutional leadership for Open Science. The OS Ambassador acts as an advocate for Open Science at the research centre and ecosystem level and a trusted advisor, who takes care of the concerns of the INVEST community – researchers, staff, students – considering the difference between the disciplines and urging for flexibility since one size does not fit all.

The INVEST Open Science Community Coordinators will gather the INVEST OS Ambassadors to act as a forum

  • for the exchange of ideas and identification of best practices – drawing on the detailed knowledge and insight of the INVEST thematic research groups,
  • for collaboration between INVEST members to identify possible ways forward – which they are free to choose or otherwise,
  • to address new themes that rise and which require support and joint action.

Apply for an INVEST Open Science Ambassador status via the application form. We will contact you after we have evaluated your application.