Lapsen kädet pitelemässä paperista leikattuja ihmishahmoja. Taustalla maapallo. / Child's hands holding paper human figures. Globe in the background.

Anna Rotkirch, Deputy Director of NetResilience project, visited the BBC podcast ”Rethink Population”

In the five-part “Rethink Population” series, the BBC’s Rethink podcast challenges some of our assumptions about population change. Are there too many people in the world – or will some countries end up with too few? Is our future concern a population explosion or a birth rate collapse?

In the podcast, editor Amol Rajan interviews an international panel that changes from episode to episode. In the episode “Is Demography Destiny?” one of the guests is Anna Rotkirch, Research Director and Research Professor of Population Research Institute in Väestöliitto. Rotkirch is also Deputy Director of INVEST Flagship project Social networks, fertility and wellbeing in ageing populations: Building demographic resilience in Finland (NetResilience). The project is led by Antti O. Tanskanen, Professor of Sociology at the University of Turku.

In the podcast episode, Rotkirch talks about birth rate changes in Finland and the ways in which birth rates are supported in Finland. The Prime Minister’s Office’s population policy report will also be discussed. Prime Minister Sanna Marin appointed Anna Rotkirch as principal investigator to produce the report.

Podcast episode: “Is Demography Destiny?”