Young person standing on a street holding a rugsack, only their legs are showing.

Funding received for peer victimization and social status research

Senior Researcher Sarah Malamut got a three year NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship grant for the project “The Roles of Victimization and Social Status in Adolescents’ Risk Behaviors and Psychosocial Adjustment” from the National Institutes of Health. The purpose of the Kirschstein-NRSA postdoctoral fellowship is to enhance the research training of promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers.

Malamut’s project investigates factors (i.e., peer victimization and social status) that predict adolescents’ adjustment, including aggression and substance use. In particular, the project focuses on popular youth, as popular adolescents are already at risk for engagement in health-risk behavior and aggression, which may be further exacerbated by their victimization experiences.

The received sum for the three years is $197,682.

For more information:

Senior Researcher Sarah Malamut
University of Turku