Microscope picture of a virus

INVEST received funding for three projects in the Academy of Finland’s special call for COVID-19 research

The projects to be funded from the special call for research into COVID-19 opened by the Academy of Finland in April have been selected. The Academy of Finland wanted to fast-track a special funding opportunity to support and accelerate research into the COVID-19 epidemic and the mitigation of its effects and to support the utilisation of the research in society.

Funded projects in INVEST

Pasi Moisio, Social Policy, The Finnish Institute of Heath and Welfare
Future policies for a resilient Nordic model after COVID-19 epidemic 

The project compares the policies between Finland and Sweden during the corona epidemic by comparing the justifications for policies. The long-term economic forecasting model will be used to estimate how the economy and well-being would have developed in Finland if it had chosen Swedish policy.


André Sourander, Department of Child Psychiatry, University of Turku
Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven COVID-19 anxiety management intervention based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques to prevent the deterioration of mental health consequences under pandemic conditions

The project will develop an artificial intelligence (AI) -controlled COVID-19 anxiety management program based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques. The program aims to prevent the deterioration of mental health problems under pandemic conditions.


David Gyllenberg, Department of Child Psychiatry, University of Turku
Psychiatric symptoms and service use among children and adolescents before and after the COVID-19 epidemic

The project will compare the psychiatric symptoms and the use of psychiatric services among children and adolescents before and after the pandemic. The project aims to find out how the corona epidemic and the actions related to it have affected the mental well-being of children and young people.

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