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Novel Research and Impact Infrastructures

Excellent, globally unique data sources and novel data infrastructure are the backbone of the world-class research that is being conducted in INVEST. InReg develops and compiles new register datasets, takes care of the authorization and user permission processing, updates the existing data sources and is in charge of the internal standardization and metadata recording. INVESThub uses experimental and quasi-experimental methods to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

In order to reach our goals, our research needs to be able to have an extensive impact on the public sector. The interventions we develop and find to be effective need to be scaled up to national level policies. To strengthen these interactions we introduce a novel science advisory unit SciAdHub, an open co-creation platform InNEXT, and INventure for our commercial operations.

Research and Impact Infrastructures


InReg is a novel data infrastructure of the flagship. It develops and compiles new register datasets, takes care of the authorization and user permission processing, updates the existing data sources and is in charge of the internal standardization and metadata recording. It also coordinates and provides training for register data users.

With the support from InReg, INVEST is currently developing two new administrative register linked datasets that will take our data efforts to an entirely new level.

First, we combine extensive sociodemographic and health-related register datasets on the full Finnish population (everyone living permanently in Finland since 1970) with molecular-level genome data samples available through THL (Invest full population data). This allows us to study gene-environment interplay in sociodemographic and health-related issues extensively over the life courses and across historical time.

Second, we combine KiVa® RCT data from 2007-2009 on over 25000 children with similar register data. This allows us to study the links between childhood peer relations and the early adulthood sociodemographic and health outcomes (KiVa® RCT extension data).

The data from our interventions will be linked to these registers to allow long-term follow-ups. The first of the datasets is partially available for research use already now and both of them are expected to be fully functional by the end of 2021. The data are updated annually.

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INVESThub uses experimental and quasi-experimental methods to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

In order to do this, it exhausts the data sources described above. The hub is an INVEST collaboration with political sciences and economics at the University of Turku and is already funded through the UTU Profiling grant.

For more information, visit INVESThub website.


The most visible stages of the policy-making process are the drafting of legislation and formal decision-making, but there are many other steps in the process. Decision-making is preceded by the emergence of the phenomenon in the public debate and on the political agenda, the definition of the problem and the working methods. This is followed by implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The role of research-based information varies at different stages of the process. The societal impact of a researcher’s work is based on interaction with policy makers, officials, interest groups, experts in different fields, the media and the general public.

SciAdHub’s online training provides researchers with tools to promote the societal impact of their research. It explains how to most effectively disseminate research knowledge and how to provide effective scientific advice at every stage of the policy process. The training is free and open to all.

SciAdHub is based on the experience of the THL Scientific Advisory Team and it is led by Research Professor Pasi Moisio. The team advises the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, and Moisio chairs the Social Security Committee. Through SciAdHub, this expertise will be made available to the whole of INVEST. The training will be integrated into the curricula of INVEST’s doctoral and master’s programmes.

The training was produced by INVEST, THL and eOppiva. SciAdHub is developed in cooperation with the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and is supported by their initiative to build a scientific advice system in Finland.

Training ‘Tieteellisenä asiantuntijana poliittisessa päätöksenteossa’ (in Finnish)


The INVEST Next Generation Co-creation Platform (InNEXT) offers a co-creation experience for youth and children and practitioners working with them. It embraces beneficiaries’ and end-users’ perspectives, seeks new important phenomena by empowering children and youth and educates them into active citizenship.

InNEXT enables genuine and open collaboration between researchers and the targets of their research. It explores new research questions, trends and phenomena important to young people and families with children. It provides ideas for new interventions to be further developed within the INVEST ecosystem.


Our ability to develop social innovations and monetise interventions is exceptional. INventure provides support for our commercial activities and improves intervention programme reach, sales and marketing.  INventure strengthens the innovation orientation of our ecosystem even further and is constantly looking for new national and international partners in innovation.

It includes the business operations of the highly successful international KiVa® antibullying program, distributed by its partners operating in a specific country or region based on licenses, as well as the start-up company Digifamilies Oy, based on the Strongest Families programme, providing digital interventions in clinical environments in different levels of social- and health services in Finland.