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CCEA and KiVa antibullying program started to collaborate: Promoting change and improving implementation

KiVa antibullying program research group has started collaborating with CCEA company. CCEA is an expert in human-driven change. CCEA uses the Celkee Insight® measurement service, which is based on behavioural science research. The service is now being exploited in a research project concentrating on improving the implementation of KiVa antibullying program. The aim is to strengthen the commitment of school communities to deliver the KiVa program and enhance the program effectiveness.

Establishing an anti-bullying culture requires the commitment of entire school community. In order to reach its goal – to reduce bullying – a program such as KiVa needs to be in active use in everyday life at school. Implementation – the way the program is being delivered – has been of interest in the KiVa research group for quite some time.

The importance of knowledge in developing communities and solving problems brought CCEA experts and INVEST psychology research group  together a year ago at the Communication and Social Interaction conference ( The CCEA experts considered the role of change measurement in leading change and promoting interaction. In their presentations INVEST researchers concentrated on how to sustain bullying prevention practices over time  and  utilize survey results interactively in promoting change in communities. This was a starting point for ongoing dialogue leading to collaboration between the two organizations.

Continued monitoring of change

The research project aims to find new ways to support schools in a change towards more effective bullying prevention. To facilitate this change, CCEA provides the project with a Celkee Insight measurement service, which enables the constant monitoring of staff members’ experiences on improving the implementation of KiVa program.

A particular interest is to identify facilitators and barriers to implementation in the everyday life at school.  In addition to continuous monitoring, the pilot project essentially involves regular mentoring of teachers and usage of the results provided by  measurement service. The CCEA experts guide and facilitate the utilization of Celkee Insight®  measurement service during the pilot project. The objective is to enhance commitment to bullying prevention and high-quality delivery of KiVa program. In the long run, the pilot aims to create tools to support Finnish schools in implementing KiVa and increase the program effectiveness.

Learning across borders and knowledge translation

The dialogue between CCEA and INVEST has been rewarding and it has offered possibilities for learning. The solutions to the most relevant and often big questions of our time, such as the one of cultural change can be found in communities and their resources. Personal views or opinions of one person or a small group seldom are adequate in identifying these solutions; instead, means of acquiring information more broadly from the community as a whole and harnessing this understanding to support development, decision-making, and community action and change as a whole are needed.

In Finland, year 2021 has been announced to be the Year of research-based knowledge. During this year, domestic actors from different sectors are challenged to cherish researched based information and knowledge translation. The collaboration between CCEA and INVEST is an example of such knowledge translation and contributes to this goal. We need knowledge, understanding, and a range of means to develop safe, supportive and wellbeing communities. Even one person at a time.

Text: Pipsa Purhonen and Sanna Herkama

Sanna Herkama, Ph.D., works as a Senior Researcher in INVEST psychology (University of Turku). Her interests include bullying at school, youth well-being, development of evidence-based programs to promote school well-being and implementation research. @SannaHerkama

CCEA is a company specialized in human-driven change. They have extraordinary ability to get people work and think in a new way. We will persevere through the changes. Even one person at a time. This is how we maximize the return on change investment for our customers. We have over 50 experts on change implementation, change capability development, change measurement, and change portfolio management. 100% of our customers recommend CCEA. Learn more at