Practical guidelines for presentations

Please find below the practical guidelines for speakers and presentations.

If you have any questions about the instructions, please contact us at


  • The time allocated for keynotes is 60 minutes (recommended 45 minutes for the presentation, and an additional 10-15 minutes for audience discussion and questions).

Equipment provided: Laptop connected to an LCD projector, podium with microphone.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations are grouped into thematic sessions, with several presentations exploring a similar research topic, INVESTHub session and Open science track.

  • Each session has a chairperson.
  • Each session includes 4 to 5 presentations.
  • The time allocated for each session is 90 minutes (recommended 10-13 minutes for each presentation and 5 minutes for questions and comments).

Equipment provided: Computer connected to an LCD projector.

Submitting presentation slides

You can send the presentation slides in advance to with the title “Conference presentation session (your session number)”. Please send your presentation well in advance – preferably the day before, and by latest the same morning!

If you haven’t sent the presentation slides in advance, we recommend having your slides on a flash drive with you.